Dick Barton - Special Agent, CD, Images & Australia
Dick Barton - Special Agent
CD, Images & Australia
First Uploaded October 18 2001
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Images of Dick Barton
Barton in Australia

Dick Barton Annual
In 1972 as part of the BBC's 50th Anniversary celebrations, the original Barton team was reassembled to perform an abridged version of the first story. This story has previously been available on audiocassette, and in June 2001 has finally been made available on CD.

1972 remake of the first story.

Dick Barton & Snowey perform in the 1940s, while a junior programme engineer provides sound effects.

Written by Edward J. Mason, and directed by Raymond Raikes
BBC Audio CD (Spoken Word); ISBN: 0563478322


Dick Barton
Noël Johnson
Snowey White
John Mann
Sir Archie Wrangle
Richard Hurndall
Jean Hunter
Margaret Robertson
Colonel Gardiner
William Fox
Wilhelm Kramer
Francis de Wolff
The Professor
Heron Carvic
Jock Anderson
Alex McCrindle
James Thirgood
Denis McCarthy
Michael Kilgarriff
Jimmy Low
Derek Birch
Geoffrey Collins

More Images of Dick Barton
Snowy and Dick BartonSnowy, Mary Mitchell and Barton
Scenes from the film  Dick Barton At Bay (1950)
with Don Stannard as Dick Barton, George Ford as Snowey and Joyce Linden as Mary Mitchell

Scenes from the television series  Dick Barton - Special Agent (1979)
with Tony Vogel as Dick Barton, Anthony Heaton as Snowey and James Cosmo as Jock

Gordon Davies

Barton (Stannard) fights a smuggler in the film  Dick Barton Special Agent (1948)      Gordon Davies - The 3rd radio Barton, who played to the finish in 1951.
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Dick Barton - Special Agent
in Australia

Rather than just taking the BBC's productions of the serial (which may not have been available in any case), Australian company, Australasian Radio Productions secured rights to the format (a standard practice with US shows) from the BBC, and also the scripts by the Edward J. Mason and Geoffrey Webb. This allowed the producers to more closely tailor the programme to it's Australia audience.

Dick Barton was played by Melbourne actor Douglas Kelly. The show was sponsored by Cadbury-Fry-Pascall Ltd, and made "by special arrangement with the BBC".
    The series was still set in England and Europe. Later a novelist, Morris West did the the adaptations.

In total, over 350 episodes were produced from the late 1940s onward. The series was also broadcast in New Zealand.

The 20 x 15 minute per story format, seems to have been followed.

Douglas KellyUnlike the BBC's version, most of these episodes have been preserved, although only a couple of episodes have been commercially issued. They feature on this CD from ScreenSound Australia  - Radio After Dark, along with episodes from four other shows.
If anyone has any more information on the Australian shows, please email me.

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